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Prime Time Youth Care

To assist in your before and after school needs, the Ottumwa School District offers a youth care program, Prime Time Youth Care (PTYC). PTYC is a program that serves PreK-5th grades in three locations. The location where your child will attend PTYC is determined based on the school they attend.

North PTYC is available at Eisenhower Elementary School for all students attending Eisenhower Elementary, Horace Mann Elementary, James Elementary, and Wilson Elementary. 

South PTYC is available at Pickwick Early Childhood Center for all PreK and Kindergarten students, and PTYC will be available at Fahrney Elementary for all 1st grade through 5th grade students attending Fahrney Elementary and Douma Elementary. 

NOTE: There will be no bussing options for the South PTYC students; we will only be busing the North PTYC students to Eisenhower.

PTYC is a fee-based, pay in advance program. There is a $10 annual registration fee per child. All families will be required to fill out a contract. All payers on the account will be required to sign the contract. Contracts will specify the amount that you will pay weekly regardless of attendance. If you have any questions or would like information on the contracts, please contact the director’s office at (641) 683-6337 or visit the district’s website.

Pickwick Early Childhood Center - Open 6:00-8:00 a.m.
Fahrney Elementary - Open 6:00-7:30 a.m.
Eisenhower Elementary - Open 6:00-7:30 a.m.

The morning program is open from the times and locations listed above or until classes begin on school attendance days and late start days. The North PTYC students are bussed to their school. The bus schedule will be posted so that you can make sure your child is there on time to catch the bus. Students at Douma and Fahrney Elementary will be taken to breakfast at their designated location.

AFTER SCHOOL: The after school program operates from the time students are dismissed from school until 6:00 p.m.  Activities include games, crafts, enrichment, homework, and technology. North PTYC students are transported by bus from their elementary school to Eisenhower Elementary through an accountable care system. South PTYC students are dropped off by their teachers to PTYC. You must notify the program and your child(ren)’s school secretary if your child will/will not attend PTYC, or if their attendance status changes.

NO SCHOOL DAYS: If school is canceled due to inclement weather, PTYC will open at our Pickwick site for all students enrolled in PTYC with the applicable contract. Children will be served breakfast and snack on snow days, but will be required to bring their own lunch. We are not open on holidays. A calendar with specific dates can be found on the district’s website.

SUMMER: The PTYC program is open during the district’s summer vacation at Pickwick Early Childhood Center. It operates from 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Families will have the option of choosing a part-time contract or a full-time contract. Part-time will give the option of 3 days a week, and full-time will give the option of all 5 days. Programming is geared towards providing students with a fun, engaging summer with almost daily field trip options available at an extra cost. Children entering kindergarten in the Fall and are 5 years old, are eligible to attend PTYC the summer BEFORE kindergarten. We will also offer PTYC during the summer to any PreK student who has already been enrolled in the PTYC program during the school year. Those in preschool who haven’t already been enrolled can apply and will be granted a spot as space allows.

We look forward to serving your child(ren) in our program!